
Step 1 - Authorize your project

For testing

Use a tool such as ngrok ( to get a unique URL for your web app running locally on your device and add it to your allowlist. See: allowlisting via the admin dashboard.

For production

Add your production domain by allowlisting it via the admin dashboard

Step 2 - Packaging

The ChainVine SDK can be added to your project via the following package managers or methods

npm install @chainvine/sdk


yarn add @chainvine/sdk

Coming soon

Step 3 - Initializing the Client

import { ChainvineClient } from '@chainvine/sdk';

const client = new ChainvineClient();

You may provide optional configuration parameters in order to override the default settings of the Client.


For your Testing environment

import { ChainvineClient } from '@chainvine/sdk';

const client = new ChainvineClient({
   apiKey: 'S3CR37C0D3Z',
   testMode: true,
   logToConsole: true,

For your Production environment

import { ChainvineClient } from '@chainvine/sdk';

const client = new ChainvineClient({
   apiKey: 'S3CR37C0D3Z',
   logToConsole: true, //can also be false or ommited depending on your needs


The extent to which a referral program is hosted on your d(App) is up to you. Here are some of the functions you might like to use :

Last updated